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Scorpions – You And I


I lose control because of you babe.
I lose control when you look at me like this.
Theres something in your eyes that is saying tonight.
I'm not a child anymore, life has opened the door
To a new exciting life.

I lose control when I'm close to you babe
I lose control don't look at me like this
there's something in your eyes, is this love at first sight
like a flower that grows, life just wants you to know
all the secrets of life

It's all written down in your lifelines.
It's written down inside your heart.

You and I just have a dream.
To find our love a place, where we can hide away.
You and I were just made.
To love each other now, forever and a day.

I lose control because of you babe.
I lose control when you look at me like this.
Theres something in your eyes that is saying tonight.
I'm so curious for more just like never before.
In my innocent life.

It's all written down in your lifelines.
It's written down inside your heart.

You and I just have a dream.
To find our love a place, where we can hide away.
You and I were just made.
To love each other now, forever and a day.

Time stands still when the days of innocence.
Are falling for the night.
I love you girl I always will.
I swear I'm there for you.
Till the day I die.


You and I just have a dream.
To find our love a place, where we can hide away.
You and I were just made.
To love each other now, forever and a day.

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