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Informasi Lowongan Kerja 2


Nama Perusahaan : PT. Mataram International Sol.

Deskripsi :
PT. Mataram International Solutions merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan barang dan jasa yang berlokasi di Komp. PAS PAM PRES Jl. Pipit II No. 1 Kramatjati - Jaktim 13540. Phone : (021) 87 781 682.. Perusahaan ini memiliki beberapa divisi diantaranya adalah : Mataram Agency dan Mataram Online Business Directory.
Mataram Agency merupakan sebuah unit usaha yang bergerak dibidang agency atau penyediaan tenaga kerja untuk bidang yang terkait dengan dunia entertainment. Sedangkan Mataram Online Business Directory merupakan sebuah unit usaha yang bergerak di bidang pelayanan jasa informasi bagi customer.

Lowongan yang dibutuhkan, Persyaratan, Alamat Surat, Tanggal Penutupan

Lowongan untuk :
1. SPG (Sales Promotion Girl)
2. MR (Marketing Representative)

Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta

Persyaratan :
1. SPG (Sales Promotion Girl), syaratnya :
a. Wanita
b. Badan Proporsional (TB min. 160 cm)
c. Pendidikan min. SMU atau sederajat
d. Usia Max. 25 thn
e. Penampilan Menarik
f. Komunikatif
g. Cepat Belajar

2. MR (Marketing Representative), syaratnya :
a. Pria / Wanita
b. Pendidikan Min. SMU atau sederajat
c. Usia Max. 25 tahun
d. Berpenampilan Raph dan Menarik
e. Komunikatif
f. Bersedia dengan target

Alamat Surat, dsb :
Walk In Interview pada hari kerja (Senin - Kamis) pukul 11.00 WIB - 15.00 WIB dengan membawa :
1. CV lengkap -SPG & MR
2. Foto 4 lembar (Close Up, Half Body, Side Body, Full Body) - SPG
3. Foto 4x6 (2 lembar) - MR
5. Ijazah terakhir - SPG&MR

ke Komp. PAS PAM PRES Jl. Pipit II No.1 Kramatjati - Jaktim. Phone : (021) 87 781 682
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).

Tgl. Penutupan : 22 Sept 2009

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Next episode......

Informasi Lowongan Kerja 1

Nama Perusahaan : STIKES Surabaya


Lowongan yang dibutuhkan, Persyaratan, Alamat Surat, Tanggal Penutupan

Lowongan untuk :
1. Asisten Lab.Bidan/Perawat
2. Asisten Dosen
3. Staff Admin
4. Accounting
5. IT support

Lokasi Kerja di : SURABAYA

Persyaratan :
- Pendidikan sesuai bidangnya,
- Memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya
- Memiliki kompetensi yang baik.

Alamat Surat, dsb :
Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via POS ke :

Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).

Tgl. Penutupan : 29 Sept 2009

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Next episode......

Sunan Kalijaga

This is a Legend Story from Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. This story tell about a prince of Demak Kingdom.

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom. Demak was that name. It had a king, his name was Raden Sabur Tumenggung Wilatika. He had a son. And his name was Raden Mas Said. He was very naughty.
One day, Raden Mas Said stealed food and money in a cellar of kingdom, to helped people in his country. Then he had a law from his father (King of the kingdom). Then his father found the teacher to teached him. The teacher’s name was Sunan Muria.
In direction of Sunan Muria as make him became different. He became good man and a hero of the other people. Sunan Muria started the lesson with reading a Al Qur’an. Then he teached science and the other.

Day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year, was late. He was became a different man. He studied a magic from a special person in the jungle, on his country. Now, he was a real hero of the people. Up to move adult, he had done after all.

Until one day, he became a robber of noble in his country. But the result of his deed, not to eat his. But, he gave it to the other people in his country. Until they called him as an angel for their.

One day, he was robbed a noble who walking alone. The noble looked very rich with his cloth. His name was Sunan Bonang. But, Raden Mas Said didn’t knew that was Sunan Kalijaga. When he looking Sunan Bonang, he was very frightened. Because Sunan Bonang pointed out of his divine power in front of him. It make a fruit on the tree was changed to be a gold. With the result that, Raden Mas Said had been bent down in front of him and requested to be his student.
Because Sunan Bonang was a wise man, he permitted him to be his student. But he gave a requisite to Raden Mas Said. That must isolated in a one side of the river and waited for Sunan Bonang came back again to woke him.

A few years later, Raden Mas Said still isolated in that pace. Until one day, Sunan Bonang came back to woke him from his isolated. He raised Raden Mas Said to be a Sunan like him. And then he give a new name for Raden Mas Said. He called him was Sunan Kalijaga.

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Next episode......

The Little Mermaid

Once upon a time in the deepest part of the ocean, there lived The King of the sea and his daughter. She was Melody. She was very beautiful girl, she has a sweet voice, and like playing with the other sea animal.

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Next episode...... Next episode......

The Meaning of Time


To understand the meaning of ONE YEAR
Ask a student who has failed his exam

To understand the meaning of ONE MONTH
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby

To understand the meaning of ONE WEEK
Ask an editor of a weekly magazine

To understand the meaning of ONE DAY
Ask a daily wage labor

To understand the meaning of ONE SECOND
Ask a person who has missed the train

To understand the meaning of ONE MILLI-SECOND
Ask a sprinter who has won a silver medal in the Olympics

And lastly, are you aware that the time is passing by?
Are you ready to be responsible to Allah?
How you use every milli-second of your time?

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Next episode......

Smile. . .

The young woman smiled at him
The sorrowful man felt better

The smile reminded him of an old friend
Then he wrote him a letter

The friend was so pleased with the letter
That he left a large tip after lunch

The waiter got surprised by the amount of the tip
Gave part to a beggar on the street

The beggar was grateful
To be in out of the storm

In the middle of the night . . .
The house where they took shelter caught on fire
The cat wewed desperately

The whole household woke up because of the noise
And as a result, they were safe from harm

One of them was a smart little boy
He grew up to be President
All this was started from a simple smile
That hadn’t cost a cent

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Next episode......

One Evening in a Hospital

Dear daughter, open the door please!
I heard someone knocking at the door
A guest is waiting outside

There’s nobody Mom!

Dear daughter, let him come and sit
Don’t keep him awaiting
Te guest is going to see me

There’s nobody Mom!

Dear daughter, what a handsome person he is
I’ve never seen such a handsome person
You’ll long for him too

There’s nobody Mom!

Dear daughter, prepare something to serve
Just give him the best that we have
As someday he will also see you

There’s nobody Mom!

Dear daughter, quick, have a look!
My guest is not only one
They’re handsome, smiling and thousands of them

There’s nobody Mom!

Dear daughter . . . Allahu Akbar!
Mom . . . Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji’uun!

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Next episode......


I often forget to sow seeds
But God gives me whatever I need

I often forget to pray
But God gives me anyway

I often forget to give others
But God still gives me like a mother

I once thought
( Forgive me God)
If I were Him
Would I forgive my deeds so easily?
Most probably not I guess

That’s why
Se is Him and I am me

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Next episode......


Funny . . . how $10 looks so big
When we take it to Mosque
And so small when we take it to the supermarket

Funny . . . how big one hour in service of God looks
And how small 60 minutes are
When spent playing golf, fishing or playing soccer

Funny . . . how laborious it is to read a juzz of Al-Qur’an
And how easy it is to read 200-300 pages of best-selling novel

Funny . . . how we believe that newspapers say
But question what the Al-Qur’an says

Funny . . . how we lose our words to say when we pray
And how fluent we talk to a friend

Funny . . . how we need 2-3 weeks
To fit an Islamic event into our schedule
But can fit other events at the last moment

And that is so
The funny things will not always be an entertainment for our souls
Since there are funny things to ponder upon
Funny isn’t it?

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Next episode......

Poetry : Do'a Ku


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. .

Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh cinta
berilah aku kekasih yg akan lebih mendekatkanku pada-Mu
Ya Allah, jika hatiku t'lah terpaut
janganlah Engkau biarkan aku terhanyut oleh rayuan nafsu

Ya Allah, jika aku bahagia dg kasihku
janganlah Engkau tinggalkan aku
sehingga aku menjadi budak nafsu
& menjadi hina di hadap-Mu

Ya Allah, jika cinta tak memihakku
kuatkanlah hatiku
bimbinglah aku utk senantiasa ingat pada-Mu
& mendekatkan diri pada-Mu

Ya Allah, jika aku patah hati
limpahkanlah selalu Cinta dan Kasih-Mu
agar aku tegar, agar aku dapat bersandar pada-Mu
karena sesungguhnya, cinta yg sejati
hanyalah Cinta-Mu

Amiien. .

Next episode......

Poetry : Do'a Ku

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. .

Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh cinta
berilah aku kekasih yg akan lebih mendekatkanku pada-Mu
Ya Allah, jika hatiku t'lah terpaut
janganlah Engkau biarkan aku terhanyut oleh rayuan nafsu

Ya Allah, jika aku bahagia dg kasihku
janganlah Engkau tinggalkan aku
sehingga aku menjadi budak nafsu
& menjadi hina di hadap-Mu

Ya Allah, jika cinta tak memihakku
kuatkanlah hatiku
bimbinglah aku utk senantiasa ingat pada-Mu
& mendekatkan diri pada-Mu

Ya Allah, jika aku patah hati
limpahkanlah selalu Cinta dan Kasih-Mu
agar aku tegar, agar aku dapat bersandar pada-Mu
karena sesungguhnya, cinta yg sejati
hanyalah Cinta-Mu

Amiien. .

Next episode......

Di Akhir Waktuku

Rintik hujan disenja masaku
Seolah turut mengiringi langkahku pulang
Kuhitung waktu yang telah terlewatkan
Kucari puing-puing cerita yang telah hancur
Terbang terbawa angin, menyusuri tiap sudut ruang hidup
Berharap, ada tempat untuk singgah

Sejenak aku ingin bercerita
Merangkai kisah yang telah lalu
Merangkai kepingan kenangan
Menjadi sebuah untaian cerita hidup
Yang kuharap akan dikenang orang

Hidupku memang tak panjang, tapi aku bahagia
Meski lara selalu terlintas
Seperti duri yang selalu ada pada setangkai mawar

Aku yang selalu mengharapkan bintang
Namun tak pernah dapat aku gapai
Di akhir waktuku, aku hanya inginkan bintang
Meski aku tak pernah dapat menggapainya
Namun aku bahagia,
Bintang t'lah memberiku cahaya
Menerangi gelap di ujung masaku

Dan aku ingin, bintangku juga yang akan menerangi langkahmu
Meski kamu, tak pernah tahu. .

Next episode......

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