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Funny . . . how $10 looks so big
When we take it to Mosque
And so small when we take it to the supermarket

Funny . . . how big one hour in service of God looks
And how small 60 minutes are
When spent playing golf, fishing or playing soccer

Funny . . . how laborious it is to read a juzz of Al-Qur’an
And how easy it is to read 200-300 pages of best-selling novel

Funny . . . how we believe that newspapers say
But question what the Al-Qur’an says

Funny . . . how we lose our words to say when we pray
And how fluent we talk to a friend

Funny . . . how we need 2-3 weeks
To fit an Islamic event into our schedule
But can fit other events at the last moment

And that is so
The funny things will not always be an entertainment for our souls
Since there are funny things to ponder upon
Funny isn’t it?

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