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One Evening in a Hospital


Dear daughter, open the door please!
I heard someone knocking at the door
A guest is waiting outside

There’s nobody Mom!

Dear daughter, let him come and sit
Don’t keep him awaiting
Te guest is going to see me

There’s nobody Mom!

Dear daughter, what a handsome person he is
I’ve never seen such a handsome person
You’ll long for him too

There’s nobody Mom!

Dear daughter, prepare something to serve
Just give him the best that we have
As someday he will also see you

There’s nobody Mom!

Dear daughter, quick, have a look!
My guest is not only one
They’re handsome, smiling and thousands of them

There’s nobody Mom!

Dear daughter . . . Allahu Akbar!
Mom . . . Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji’uun!

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