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My Chemical Romance – Dead


And if your headstones bleeding,
I?ll be here wondering,
Did you get what you deserve?
The ending of your,
And if you get to heaven
I?ll be here waiting, baby,
To get what you deserve,
The ending of your life
Won?t wait,
And your heart can?t take this hurt,

You heard the music today,
Know it?ll never happen twice the same,
Thinking about you anyways,
Cause your Dead!
Me from my hospital bed,
I wouldn't know,
take my hand,
And we're gonna stay afloat,
We?re Dead,

Don?t tell me I know just too much,
You never felt,
To get what you deserve
The ending of your,
And if you get to heaven,
I?ll be here waiting, baby,
To get what you deserve,
The ending of your life,
Won?t wait,
And your heart can?t take this hurt,

You heard the music today,
Know it?ll never happen twice the same,
Thinking about you anyways,
You?re Dead,
Before the hospital bed,
Walking around and you?re kissing my hand,
And we?re wondering away that's what,

And in my honest observation
To bring this operation
To complication in your heart so long,
Cause now you?ve gone
Maybe just to say
Cause that tomorrow baby,
Let?s go,

Na na na na na,
Na na na na na,
Na na na na na,
Na na na na na,
Na na na na na,
Na na na na na,

Did you just do,
That here and now,
It?s just a joke,
And why are we broke,
It?s just a joke,
And we?d you go,
It?s just a joke
And what have I done?


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1 Komment:

ppcmuslim Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 8:36:00 PM GMT+7  

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